Tuesday, April 13, 2010

Life Happens

So much has happened since my last update, I don't really know where to start. I have been working on getting my dental work taken care of. That is almost done but with recent events I had to put the remainder of work on hold due to lack of funds. My school has been going ok. I have been getting straight As.

As most everyone knows, Cameron has been struggling with school. He has been failing and the school had informed me that he wasn't going to advance to second grade. I set up a meeting with the school to see about getting him some help. He had a math and reading tutor and started to improve. He has always dealt with bullies and I had to pull him off the school bus and drive him to and from school so he wouldn't get beat up on the bus. The trouble still continued at school and Cameron had been getting more and more angry. This last school year has really changed him. He was always angry, rarely smiled, constantly fighting with his sibblings and complaining even when I try to take them out somewhere fun. It was very sad and difficult to watch my boy grow darker and darker.

There was an incident at school and Cameron was suspended for a week and had a hearing about whether or not he would be going back. The police were also called. After my talk with the cops, I decided to hire a lawyer to protect Cameron from the school and the police. Things went well with the school, they let Cameron back in. Normally that would be a good thing but as soon as he went back, he got in trouble for fighting. And then there was another incident the next day. So I decided we had enough. My boy had suffered enough. I pulled him out of school and have been homeschooling him along with Kevin and Emily.

Homeschooling is the best decision I have ever made. Granted we have not been doing it long, but so far things are much better. Cameron's attitude is improving every day. He no longer has to fear getting kicked and hit and have his backpack taken from him and everything else those horrible kids would do to him. So far we are doing a combination of Abeka and unschooling. We are taking it easy on the structured stuff for now and mainly focusing on unschooling with light book work. I am gradually getting Cameron back into wanting to learn so we are trying to make it as fun as possible. I am also doing a unique schedule with the kids. We are doing 3 days on, 1 day off for 2 months and then they get 1 week off. This will go on all year, with the exception of holidays or sick days. I may change things later if this doesn't work. I just like the freedom to have that choice.

So for the legal stuff, things haven't been going too badly. I haven't had to give the lawyer more money which is great. Haven't heard from the police so that is probably a good sign as well.

Robert is still deployed and doing as well as one can be who is stuck out in the middle of the ocean.

The kids miss their daddy and want him to come home but it has been easier this time around. They are getting older and are starting to understand what their daddy is doing and why he can't come home for months at a time.

The rabbits are doing good. Still not friends, although I have not really tried to bond them yet. I want to wait until after Hershey is spayed before I really try to bond them. Velvet will be a year old next month. I can't believe she is already a year old. Hershey will be 6 months old and ready to go in for her spay beginning of May. I hope her surgery goes better than Velvet's did.

So that about sums it up. Life has been hectic, I had the flu recently and the house work has not been getting done as much as it should but I have been enjoying having all my kids home and the freedom to do what I want with them. I love my kids and as enfuriating and annoying as they can be at times, I love having them home with me. I love watching them learn new things. Kevin is doing basic math and I am so proud of him. Emily is working on her numbers and is doing really well. Cameron seems to have mastered telling time, we are slowly working on math and writing because it is his sore subject and he really dislikes it. So I am trying to make things fun for him to hopefully instill a love of learning.

Well I think I better end this and get to cleaning up some so I can go to bed. I will hopefully be back in the near future for more posts so I don't have to do these long updates lol.

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